What does 'gambling harms' mean?

Understand what we mean by gambling harms, and how it might affect you and those around you.

How we define ‘gambling harms’.

‘Gambling harms’ is the term we use to describe the negative impact that may be caused, or worsen, as a consequence of gambling behaviour. The harms may be temporary, episodic or longer term in nature, and can extend to the gambler, their family members, their employer, even their community.

How gambling can affect you and others

  • Mental, physical and emotional health and wellbeing can be negatively affected
  • A breakdown of trust and communication in your relationship with friends and family.
  • Changes in personality or ‘acting out of character’.
  • Gambling may become a form of escapism or a coping behaviour that helps manage or avoid other problems.
  • Employment or education attainment may be compromised.
  • Disconnection from social networks and feelings of isolation.
  • Using money that shouldn’t be used for gambling, even resorting to theft or fraud.
  • Feeling desperate, isolated and thoughts of self-harm.
One of the worst days of my life…was the day I lost more than a year’s wages in an afternoon. The way I felt that day is indescribable.

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How we can help

Our services, an integral part of the National Gambling Support Network (NGSN) are here to help you. No matter your situation harms from gambling can be overcome. We stand by your side.

What we can help with